Organizations Want Pre-employment Screening Online To Make Their Workplaces Safer

Recruitment can be a costly exercise, however, if you don’t protect your business and employees by implementing pre-employment medicals in your recruitment processes, it will often cost you more than what you bargained for.

Pre-employment screening provides you with a benchmark understanding of potential candidates’ medical status for functions such as hearing, eyesight, lung functions, and general fitness. All these are necessary in order to ascertain if they are medically fit and capable of carrying out the tasks that the position you are hiring them for requires. Therefore, more and more organizations these days want pre-employment screening online or at physical medical facilities to ensure that the person they are hiring is physically and mentally sound.

Health screening/lifestyle assessment usually compromises a combination of tests such as blood pressure reading, cholesterol tests and lifestyle analysis (i.e. alcohol intake, smoking habits, physical activity, etc.) which aim to give the individual an overview of their current health status. In addition, it also aids in detecting any disease or risk factors early so that a referral can be made to the individual for onward management. In the present context, medical screening is regarded as disease surveillance, treatment, and monitoring of affected workers, as well as interventions to prevent progression of the disease, reduce its duration and prevent other workers from getting affected.
